REDUCE ~ REUSE~ RECYCLE | What are you doing to reduce your household waste?
REDUCE ~ REUSE~ RECYCLE | What are you doing to reduce your household waste?
Close the loop! Renewal Compost aims to put your food scraps to good use. The nutrient-rich soil that we create provides backyards with bountiful vegetable gardens, and helps farms throughout NH. Closing the loop includes putting nutrients back into the soil, and supporting local agriculture.
Ephesians 4:23 "And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;"
By making the choice to compost your household food waste, you are doing your part to keep our community more eco-friendly, sustainable, and vibrant.
Spread the word. Encourage your friends, family, and neighbors to join us in our mission to "Close the Loop" and support local farms!
I am a life-long Granite State resident. I grew up in Sandown, NH and now reside in Manchester, NH. I attended the University of New Hampshire, and was very fortunate to participate in many hands-on projects in my studies of Environmental Science. Since graduating in 2013, I've spent my career in the environmental and waste management sectors. We launched Renewal Garden and Compost back in March of 2021 and are very excited to be where we are now! I look forward to meeting you and your family, and hope you are as excited as we are to be Closing the Loop and keeping New Hampshire beautiful, one-household at a time.
I grew up in Manchester and am proud to have started the Renewal endeavor in my hometown. I studied math education at the University of New Hampshire, and Southern New Hampshire University. I love being outdoors, and running is one of my passions. I know that I am making a difference in our community by providing a composting service in our city, as well as surrounding towns.
You and your neighbors are the people who make it happen!
Curbside Pickup:
Auburn ~ Bedford ~ Chester ~ Concord ~ Derry ~ Manchester ~ Merrimack ~ New London ~ Raymond ~
Drop-off Locations:
Amherst ~ Bow ~ Concord ~ Goffstown ~ Hooksett ~ Londonderry ~ New London
Renewal Compost LLC