REDUCE ~ REUSE~ RECYCLE | What are you doing to reduce your household waste?
REDUCE ~ REUSE~ RECYCLE | What are you doing to reduce your household waste?
The city of Manchester NH is within our "Greater Manchester Area" range. Your town's prices are the lowest we offer!
$18/ month for Bi-weekly Pick-up
$32/ month for Weekly Pick-up
Fill out the form on this page. Then, pay below.
Have more questions?
Give us a call, or send a message.
All electronic payments for pick-up are automatically charged monthly, and include a one-time $10 starter fee.
Compost Pick-Up
$18/ month bi-weekly pick-up
$32/ month weekly pick-up
Greater Manchester Area
$10 for your starter kit:
bucket & composting information packet
Renewal Compost LLC